Understanding Facebook’s Edgerank system
In a thread on Facebook Fan Pages, member Zachary Smith provided some excellent information on Facebook’s Edgerank system — the system that determines what you see (and from whom) when you sign into your Facebook account. I wanted to pull it out front to make sure you didn’t miss it.
Facebook has internal algorythms, called Edgerank, that determine which of your fans see your posts in their feed. They do this with your friends too. You may have noticed that once you comment or Like a friend’s post, you start seeing a few more posts from that friend. If you comment on or Like those posts, you start seeing more and more and more. They didn’t suddenly become more active at the same time you starting Liking and commenting on them. Facebook specifically serves you people that you take more action on. It makes sense to try to serve you things you find interesting as much as possible.
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