It has been almost one year since the premiere of Google Plus. Here’s an excerpt from my post, discussing the topic:
I’d like to open up a discussion about Google+. As I tweeted earlier this week, I’m convinced that it’s going to be the Next Big Thing because I have absolutely no idea what to do with it.
And neither does anybody else, it seems.
So far, the thing I’ve heard repeated most often has been that the Google+ circles allow you to direct what information get shared with whom.
Aside from those circles, Google+ is Facebook — minus the development that has gone into Facebook over the past few years (games, groups, storefronts, ads, etc.).
But I still don’t know what to do with it.
I mean, the circles are nice, but Facebook is likely to meet that functionality by the beginning of August — especially is Google+ begins to show any signs of traction.
Nevertheless, I’m hesitant to underestimate anything with the power of Google behind it.
Well… “Next Big Thing” may have been an overstatement. Or maybe, in hindsight, it was a Big Thing… but only for a short time. However, it’s been around for a year, and — much like the rollout — I still don’t know what to do with it.
So, is Google Plus dead?
Of course, long-time members of the site know I like to point out the difference between Market research and Mirror research. Maybe I’m missing something. In any event, it seems like a topic worth dissecting here:
Is Google Plus dead? And if so, what killed it? Lack of Third-party apps and plug-ins (for things like like RSS import)? Facebook market dominance?
Or Is Google Plus alive and thriving and it’s just not on my radar? Are there people using Google Plus to their advantage? What are they doing? What results are they seeing?