Telegraphing a joke

Writing a good joke is a balancing act. There are so many ways to upset the delicate harmonies that work...
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ComicLab Ep 354 — ComicLab LIVE at the National Cartoonists Society conference and Reuben Awards, Part Two

Dave Kellett and Brad Guigar take their podcast on the road, recording this episode live at the Comic-Con Museum in San Diego...
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How many panels should your comics page have?

A fellow comic creator once shared that they were told that a page should have between 4 and 7 panels...
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Short story challenge

I often advise that beginners write a few short stories to sharpen their comics-making skills before they tackle that 200-page...
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Fun Facts About Zines

Today's post is a guest post by Sam Concklin. Images of her zines appear throughout this post. Her comic, Malazu,...
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ComicLab LIVE at the National Cartoonists Society conference and Reuben Awards, Part One

From left: Maria Scrivan, Hector Cantu, Dana Simpson, Dave Kellett and Brad Guigar. Photo credit: Kevin Segal Dave Kellett and...
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Start planning holiday merchandise NOW

Merry Christmas — and Happy New Year! Set down the sunblock, and step away from the pool. It's time to...
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Improving SEO on Substack

One of the benefits of publishing comics on Substack is its powerful SEO capabilities. Since comics are image-based, they’ve traditionally...
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Webcomics Confidential: Sketch Layers in Clip Studio

The ability to create Draft Layers — and apply Draft Layer settings to entire folders — is a huge part...
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Estimated taxes due Sept. 16th

If you pay estimated income taxes on a quarterly schedule, Monday's the deadline for your third-quarter payment. Checks postmarked on...
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