Google’s New Ad Policy
As you may have heard on sites such as Gizmodo, Google’s new Terms of Service goes into effect today:
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As you may have heard on sites such as Gizmodo, Google’s new Terms of Service goes into effect today:
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It’s time to get back into the Hot Seat critiques. Let’s start of with a popular one: The Hitch It / Ditch It. I’ll go to your site and list one thing I think you’re doing great and one thing I think could stand some improvement. Then I’ll open up the conversation to the group at large.
If I’ve recently done a Hitch/Ditch review of your work, please sit this one out.
And if you’d like your work critiqued, please participate in the critiques of other peoples’ work.
Want to participate? Give me your name, comic name, and URL in the Comments below.
Today’s post was generously submitted by Julie Faulkner.
Welcome to 2014!
The New Year and that clean-slate feeling make it so easy to just get excited about your own potential! So we make our resolutions, some we keep and some we let go, but there’s always that moment of infinite possibility!
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Happy New Year, everybody! Now, let’s get started on making 2014 the best year in webcomics ever. And here are some suggestions
Take a moment to update your copyright notification to 2014 on your comics. It’s like writing the previous year on your checks… everybody screws up the first few days of the new year.
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This is the perfect time to get organized for a successful year in webcomics.
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When Scribol first came out, I was an early adopter, and reported very favorable results here. In short, Scribol was an updated take on the old Webring concept. You displayed a bank of several small promos on your site, and in exchange, you were given the ability to place your promos on other Scribol sites. The number of views your promos received were based on the number of views for other sites you displayed.
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A couple of years ago, I posted a few thoughts on the idea of taking a weeklong hiatus for the Christmas holiday. It featured a guest post from “How To Make Webcomics” co-author Dave Kellett on the topic. The entire thing is worth a read, but I’ll paraphrase:
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I’ve been giving a lot of thought to the upcoming new year. This has been my first full year of full-time webcartooning, and I want to take what I learned in that baptism-in-fire and apply it to doing even better next year. And, I think the answer comes down to one word: Planning.
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A while ago, I read an angry letter to the editor about a syndicated comic strip that drew the ire of a reader (who made the ubiquitous subscription-cancelation threat). The comic was seen to be “insulting and degrading.”
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Yesterday, I shared my thoughts on free e-mail services (like Yahoo) on Twitter. In short, Yahoo was one of the first e-mail services I signed up for (back in the ancient days of the World Wide Web), and as I moved from city to city (and from ISP to ISP), it was easy for me to simply keep all of my e-mail needs in once place. And, every year I stuck with Yahoo it became more and more difficult for me to move — even though people would give me that look when I’d give them my e-mail address.
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