Book Cover Hot Seat: Erstwhile
We had one more entry in the Book Cover Hot Seat — Erstwhile — so I thought this would be a good time to talk about it. Here’s the cover.
There’s a lot that’s very good about this cover design. The front-cover illo is engaging and the colors all work together well. The purple title is a very good color choice against the green background of the illo.
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Book Cover Hot Seat: Love is in the Blood, Decrypting Rita
I’m going to conclude the Book Cover Hot Seat with these two entries. As always, feel free to post a book cover in the Critiques section is you’re looking for feedback on a book cover in the future.
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Book Cover HotSeat: Promises, Promises
The Book Cover Hot Seats continue this week. There’s still room in the Open Call if you’d like to participate.
For the this Book Cover Hot Seat, let’s talk about an upcoming Promises Promises book. Here’s the submitted cover.
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August To-Do List
We’re well into the second half of the year, believe it or not. Now’s a great time to start planning the rest of your 2012.
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Book Cover Hot Seat: Urban Jungle
I’m going to start the Book Cover Hot Seats this week. There’s still room in the Open Call if you’d like to participate.
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Mailbag: Book design for multiple volumes
Q: I’ve started production on my second print collection of comics and was hoping I could get you to talk a bit about your book covers.
I like the layout of my first one, and I’m thinking of going with the same theme, but new title and new character illustrations, different colours, much the way you did the first four Evil Inc Annual Reports. You’ve started switching up five and six a bit, was this a business decision or personal design preferences? Are you finding the variety helpful or harmful to sales in any way? Do you have any recommendations, keep a theme, change the theme? And how important is it that the two books compliment each other side by side or on the shelf? For example, in terms of colours should I be worried if the two covers clash? Should I make a point to choose complimentary ones? (I don’t know if that’s over thinking on my part.)
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Creating Comics in Adobe Illustrator
Today’s post is very kindly submitted by Margaret Trauth, creator of Decrypting Rita. As always, you can click on the images to get a bigger version of the image.
I figured it might be interesting to write a bit about my very idiosyncratic process of making comics directly in Adobe Illustrator. So here’s a start-to-finish about how a page happened.
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Business of Webcomics Panel at Comic Con International
I was able to record the Business of Webcomics panel at Comic Con International on July 13, 2012. I moderated the discussion which featured Scott Kurtz and Robert Khoo.
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