Kachingle: Member advisory
Scott Kurtz became aware of Kachingle when he received the following tweet:
You can now kachingle PvPOnline | Player Vs. Player @pvponline. More at kachingle.com/m/4881
Kachingle is an organization that seeks to facilitate micropayments between users and the free information they access on the Web. Kachingle’s users — “Kachinglers” — place $5 a month into their Kachingle account, and they load a special extension into their browsers. At the end of each month, Kachingle adds up the number of days you visited each site you chose to support, and they distribute your five bucks proportionally among those sites. That is, after Kanchingle takes 15% off the top.
But Scott never registered his site with Kachingle. A “Kachingler” did. And Scott didn’t know his site was even involved until he had happened upon the notification — via Twitter!
The content you are trying to access is only available to members.