Trademark symbols
From the Legalzoom newsletter, here’s some information about properly using trademark symbols.
There are three trademark symbols: TM, SM, and ®
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From the Legalzoom newsletter, here’s some information about properly using trademark symbols.
There are three trademark symbols: TM, SM, and ®
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I mentioned this in the Private Forum yesterday, but I thought it might help to have a step-by-step guide to importing a batch of image files into a multi-page document. If you’re laying out a book, this will save you from having to import each comic (or each page) individually.
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As you’ll note, this has been posted in full on the public side of Please feel free to copy-and-paste it to your own sites, Facebook profiles, etc., and spread the promotion. NOTE: You will not be able to use the “Share Article” widget at the bottom of the post. Since most of the posts on this site are private, that feature was diabled. If you need the HTML version, scroll all the way down.
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This piece was generously contributed by member Layne Myhre.
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Although I don’t typically do this sort of thing, I’d like to try it to see how it goes.
Next week, we’ll publish a Webcomics Gift-Giving Guide.
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So I don’t cause confusion, I want to put this right at the top. Your membership is good for twelve months past the day you first bought it. So if you subscribed in July, you’re good until next July.
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Tomorrow is the beginning of December. It’s a month dominated by holidays — both preparing for and celebrating them — and it’s the end of the year. It’s probably the most challenging months for a webcartoonist, so let’s get organized.
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Another Comic Aggregator site has crossed my radar, so I thought I would pass it along to you. I see an awful lot of familiar titles on the list of supported comics, so it might be worth your time to scan it for yours.
Mind you, I’m not advocating emailing the creator of the aggregator script to politely ask him to remove your comic — although I did, and he kindly complied within the hour.
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This is an essay based on the thoughts I used to kick off Episode 71 of the Webcomics Weekly podcast. I’m running it here for three reasons, it’s a pretty important thought and I don’t want you to miss it if you don’t listen to the podcast. Secondly, there are facets of the argument that deserve a little more attention, and instead of drone on while Scott, Dave and Kris wait patiently, this is the perfect plact to go deep on this kind of subject. Thirdly, judging from the discussion that it generated here, there’s still plenty to talk about.
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