Webcomics Weekly Episode 71: Longevity
The group discusses longevity and what they want to do to keep producing content for years to come.
The group discusses longevity and what they want to do to keep producing content for years to come.
As we wind down the year, it’s a good time to mention ComicCraft’s annual font sale. Every year, on January 1, they hold a sale in which the price of each one of their fonts is based on the new year. This New Year’s Day, for example, they will be selling every font for $20.11 apiece. This even applies to fonts like ComicCrazy which normally sell for $395!
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With the holiday season coming up, you’re bound to be shipping a little more than usual, so it might be a good time to review your shipping technique.
Good shipping technique ensures that your customers will be happy when their merchandise arrives — and that means you don’t have to eat profits by re-sending books that were damaged in shipping.
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After receiving Dana Simspon’s answers to the interview questions I asked a couple weeks ago marking the one-year anniversary of the Comic Strip Superstar competition, I had some follow-up questions which Dana graciously addresses below:
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In yesterday’s Webcomics Weekly podcast, we discussed, among other things, how our view of webcomics has matured over ten years. For example, I said that I had a different view of comic conventions now than I did when I wrote the chapter on the subject in How To Make Webcomics.*
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The guys discuss becoming Webcomics Curmudgeons.
Earlier this week, a Webcomics.com member asked what she should charge a Web site that wanted to run her comic. In answering the question, I happened upon a thought that I would like to share here for anyone who missed the Private Forum discussion.
Every time we’re asked to name a price for our work, we wrack our brains trying to come up with the Magic Number — the price that will be satisfactory to the client while remaining rewarding to ourselves.
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It’s hard to believe, but we’re staring down the barrel of another holiday season. If you’re shipping holiday-themed merchandise such as greeting cards or calendars, you’re going to need to be aware of some shipping deadlines so your items can arrive in time. And even if you’re simply shipping books and other standard merchandise from your store, you have to assume the liklihood that the buyer might be intending to give the item to someone else as a gift.
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Please folks, don’t promote your webcomic here.
If this site gets clogged with self-promotion, no one is going to want to read it. It makes it harder to get to the content that people pay to see.
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