Webcomics Weekly Episode 37: Orphan Works Act
Episode Notes: We discuss the Orphan Works Bill and the dangers it poses to our ability to protect our work.
Episode Notes: We discuss the Orphan Works Bill and the dangers it poses to our ability to protect our work.
Episode Notes: Recorded live from our panel at Emerald City Comicon. Please forgive the audio on this one as it was recorded live at the show.
Episode Notes: Scott and Brad are out, so here’s Dave and Kris.
Episode Notes: We discuss a rash of companies who are looking towards webcomics for their latest crop of talent…and what that might mean for creators.
Episode Notes: We talk about the ECCC and get some wonderful news during the show.
Episode Notes: How to foster the right community for your webcomic from zero to multiple THOUSANDS!
Episode Notes: How to get an unbiased opinion on your webcomic, plus Guigar calls in with his report from the NY Comicon.
Episode Notes: Paying taxes on your webcomics earning, dealing with backseat writers and more.
Episode Notes: Print and web cartoonists discuss the merits of both business models and if either is detrimental to the other. Guest starring Ted Rall
Episode Notes: I don’t remember what we talked about. Something about making money vs. making art.