Webcomics Weekly Episode 43: Literally
The boys recap their awesome time at the 2008 San Diego Comicon. Fisticuffs, Starfleet Captains, appearances on national TV, car chases, robot invasions, pirates….it’s all a part of the zaniness of Comicon.
The boys recap their awesome time at the 2008 San Diego Comicon. Fisticuffs, Starfleet Captains, appearances on national TV, car chases, robot invasions, pirates….it’s all a part of the zaniness of Comicon.
The boys discuss the importance of answering all your email, when it is and isn’t okay to use pen names, the all-or-nothing opinions of our critics and remembrances of Anime cons past.
Lipton Green Tea with citrus, recapping for Brad, the future of mobile comics, comics for the blind and more.
Episode Notes: We discuss Rich Stevens leaving syndicated life and weigh the merits of Webcomic Collectives.
Episode Notes: Preparing for the biggest con of the year.
Episode Notes: We discuss the Orphan Works Bill and the dangers it poses to our ability to protect our work.
Episode Notes: Recorded live from our panel at Emerald City Comicon. Please forgive the audio on this one as it was recorded live at the show.
Episode Notes: Scott and Brad are out, so here’s Dave and Kris.
Episode Notes: We discuss a rash of companies who are looking towards webcomics for their latest crop of talent…and what that might mean for creators.